1996, New Scientist
The Creativity Machine
1997, Noorderlicht
Creative Computers
2004, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
The Machine That Invents
2006, DefenseTech
Attack Of The Genius Robot Cockroach Swarm
2013, Urbasm
I am Become Death, Creator of Worlds
2018, Techemergence
Turning Up the Synaptic Noise to Create Machines that Dream
2019, Urbasm
Why You Should Fear Artificial Intelligence
Visions (Art) of a Dying Synthetic Brain
2019, BBC
AI system 'should be recognised as inventor'
June 30, 2020, MIT Technology Review
Ryan Abbott Presenting on AI-Generated Inventions at EMTech Mena
April 26, 2020, Segacity Legal
Intellectual Property Rights of AI Inventors
April 30, 2020, CNN
Artificial Intelligence can't technically invent things, says patent office