Relevant Scientific Papers by S. L. Thaler

1993. Neural net predicted Raman spectra of the graphite to diamond transition, Third International Symposium on Diamond Materials, Honolulu, HI, J. P. Dismukes, K. V. Ravi, K. E. Spear, B. Lux and N. Setaka (eds.), The Electrochemical Society, Inc.; Pennington, N.J., p. 773.

1995. "Virtual Input Phenomena" Within the Death of a Simple Pattern Associator, Neural Networks, 8(1), 55-65.

1995. Death of a gedanken creature, Journal of Near-Death Studies, 13(3), Spring 1995.

1996. Neural Nets That Create and Discover, PC AI , May/June, 16-21, 1996.

1996. Is Neuronal Chaos the Source of Stream of Consciousness? In Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks, (WCNN'96), Lawrence Erlbaum, Mawah, NJ.

1996. A Proposed Symbolism for Network-Implemented Discovery Processes, In Proceedings of the World Congress on Neural Networks, (WCNN'96), Lawrence Erlbaum, Mawah, NJ.

1996. Creativity via network cavitation - an architecture, implementation, and results, Adaptive Distributive Parallel Computing Symposium, Dayton, Ohio, 8-9 August, 1996.

1996. Principles and application of the self-training artificial neural network, Adaptive Distributive Parallel Computing Symposium, Dayton, Ohio, 8-9 August, 1996.

1996. "Databots", Adaptive Distributive Parallel Computing Symposium, Dayton, Ohio, 8-9 August, 1996.

1996. Self-Training artificial Neural Networks, PC AI, Nov/Dec 1996.

1996. The death dream and near-death darwinism, Journal of Near-Death Studies, 15(1), Fall 1996.

1997. Autonomous Materials Discovery Via Spreadsheet-Implemented Neural Network Cascades, Journal of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society, JOM-e, 49(4) (1997).

1997. The fragmentation of the universe and the devolution of consciousness, U.S. Library of Congress, Registration Number TXu000775586 / January, 1997.

1997. A quantitative model of seminal cognition: the creativity machine paradigm, Proceedings of the Mind II Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 1997.

1998. Predicting ultra-hard binary compounds via cascaded auto- and hetero-associative neural newtorks, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 279(1998), 47-59, 1997.

1998. With Conrad, D.M, Real-Time Fault Detection Using Auto-associative Filtering, AIRTC, Oct. '98.

1998. The emerging intelligence and its critical look at us, Journal of Near-Death Studies, 17(1), Fall 1998.

2001. The Warhead Design Creativity Machine, Weapon Systems Technology Information Analysis Center, Volume 3, Number 1, December 2001.

2002. LITMUS - Live Intrusion Tracking via Multiple Unsupervised STANNOs, PC AI, Jan/Feb 2002.

2005. Neural Networks 101 - Servo Magazine, April, 2005.

2005. With Furrer, D., Neural Network Modeling, Advanced Materials & Processes, Nov. 2005.

2007. With Patrick, M. Clinton and Chavis, Katherine S., "Demonstration of Self-Training Autonomous Neural Networks in Space Vehicle Docking Simulations," 2007 IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, IEEEAC paper #1409, March 2007.

2010. Thalamocortical Algorithms in Space! The Building of Conscious Machines and the Lessons Thereof, In the Proceedings of World Future 2010: Sustainable Futures, Strategies, and Technologies, July 8-10, 2010, Boston, MA.

2012. The Creativity Machine Paradigm: Withstanding the Argument from Consciousness, APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, 11(2), (Spring 2012).

2012. With Ryan, S., Artificial Neural Networks for Characterizing Armor Performance, The 12th Hypervelocity Impact Symposium, Elsevier, 2012.

2012. With Ryan, S., Artificial Neural Networks for Characterising Whipple Shield Performance, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Elsevier, 2012.

2013. The Creativity Machine Paradigm, Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship, (ed.) E.G. Carayannis, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2013.

2014. Lessons from connectionism in differentiating knowledge, "e-mentor" 2014, nr 3 (55), s. 81-86.

2014. Synaptic Perturbation and Consciousness, International Journal of Machine Consciousness, Vol. 06, No. 02, pp. 75-107, 2014.

2016. With Ryan, S. and Kandanaarachchi, S., Machine Learning Methods for Predicting the Outcome of Hypervelocity Impact Events, Expert Systems with Applications, 45: 23-39, Elsevier, 2016.

2016. With Hoyt, R., Linnville, S., and Moore, J., Digital Family History Data Mining with Neural Networks: A Pilot Study, Perspectives in Health Information Management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, Winter(2016).

2016. Cycles of Insanity and Creativity within Contemplative Neural Systems, Medical Hypotheses, 94:138-147, Elsevier, 2016.

2016. Pattern Turnover within Synaptically Perturbed Neural Systems, Procedia Computer Science, 88, Elsevier, 2016.

2017. A neurodynamic model linking creativity and insanity, Atlas of Science, 2017.

2017. With Zbikowski, K., Cognitive Engines Contemplating Themselves, APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, 17(1), (Fall 2017).

2019. DABUS in a Nutshell, APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers, 19(1), (Fall 2019).

2021. Vast Topological Learning and Sentient AGI, Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, 8(1), 2021.