IEI Firsts

Virtual Inpute Phenomena

1995: Virtual Input Phenomena

For the first time, a 'blind-folded' neural net generates information.

IEI Virtual Reaity Robots

2003: IEI Virtual Reality Robots

For the first time, complex robots in virtual reality devise their own strategies.

IEI Contemplative Robots

2005: IEI Contemplative Robots

For the first time, complex robots deliberate and then act, often inventing as they go.

Imagnation Engine's Song of the Neurons

2007: Song of the Neurons

The first musical album conceived autonomously by machine intelligence.

Art Created by DABUS

2012: Art Created by DABUS

The first art conceived and named autonomoously by machine intelligence.

Patents Conceived by DABUS

2017: DABUS Invents

The first patentable inventions conceived by machine intelligence.